Sandwich Generation Support Group 08/10/15 11:00 am - 09/28/15 12:00 pm Repeat every week on Mondays until 09/29/15 Mastick Senior Center [{"latlong":["37.773499","-122.278801"],"zoom":"9","infow":"<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/label>\n\t\t\t\t\t 08\/10\/15 11:00 am - 09\/28\/15 12:00 pm<\/span><\/div>"}] The Sandwich Generation is a term describing people caring for their children and parents at the same time. People often feel the stress emotionally, financially and logistically. This support group will provide an opportunity for those who are currently in the Sandwich Generation to express thoughts and feelings, and ask for feedback and support. Those who have been in this role are invited to attend and share their own experiences. If you are interested, please preregister by calling 510.747.7506. The facilitator is Natalie Gelman, PhD. Her website is if you would like to know more about her background and experience. The sessions will occur in Room E at the Mastick Senior Center.